Special records of the president. United States bicentennial memorabilia [manuscript], 1976.


Special records of the president. United States bicentennial memorabilia [manuscript], 1976.

Memorabilia presented to University of Virginia President Frank L. Hereford, including a letter from Etienne Dailly, Vice-President of the French Senate, to Mr. Hereford, together with photographs of historical documents presented to the U.S. Senate by M. Dailly's Bicentennial delegaton and an autographed copy of President Gerald R. Ford's proclamation of 1976 April 13, "Thomas Jefferson Day, 1976." The Special Records series is comprised chiefly of topical records files which are not part of the "standard" topical files set up each year to form the Office Administrative Files. These special records files are often kept in the President's office for a longer period of time than the single fiscal year covered by the typical transfer of Office Administrative Files and often cover a date range of several years. Because of this, the Office of the President refers to these as "permanent" or "seldom used permanent files." When the office retires these files, they are often transferred to the Archives with the yearly transfer, and beginning with the 1982 transfer (RG-2/1/2.821) the "permanent " or "special" records files have not been physically separated from the Office Administrative Files, but form a separate sub-series in the listing to each transfer.

5 items.

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